Recommended due to no fees. Please write for whom or what the money is intended. For tax deductible donations please get in contact with us.
Account: YWAM Tasmania.BSB: 037621
General Account: 160882
Training Account: 203360 (Use For course Payments) -
1. Request your financial institution to put your name as a reference on the electronic/wire transfer.
2. Please add an additional $AUD 12.00 for the bank fee.
3. Please email a copy of this transaction or receipt number to our office at accounts@ywamtasmania.org
Westpac Banking Corporation
2750 Tasman Highway, Sorell, Tasmania, Australia, 7172
For General Payments: 037621 160882
For Course Payments: 037621 203360
Use the email address accounts@ywamtasmania.org. Please state what the money is intended for and allow for the amount Paypal will take. Keep in mind we recommend using wise as it generally has significantly lower fees.
Account holder: Youth With A Mission Tasmania Inc
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 219202795
Address is 2750 Tasman Hwy Sorell, Tasmania, 7172
If you have any issues or would like another way to pay, feel free to contact us on accounts@ywamtasmania.org